Daily Promotions
KSSN 96 Ride Day
Buy a $35 armband at a midway ticket booth and get unlimited rides this day. Gate admission and parking are not included.
Entergy Day at the Fair
All Entergy employees who present a valid Entergy Employee I.D. receive $2 off gate admission. Discount valid for 4 persons per party.
FFA, FCCLA, Scout Day, and 4-H Day
$3 Fair gate admission sold until 5 p.m. to FFA and FCCLA students, Scouts and 4-H members (Includes teachers, sponsors and bus drivers).
Free Outdoor Stage

Great American Pig Races
Daily Race Times:
11:30pm | 1:30pm | 4:00pm | 6:00pm

Tanzanite African Acrobats
Daily Showtimes:
12:00pm | 2:00pm | 4:30pm

Kunze All American High Dive Show
Daily Showtimes:
12:30pm | 2:30pm | 6:30pm
Livestock Judging
Junior Breeding Swine, followed by Commercial Gilts
8:00AM @ Swine and Sheep Facility
Open Dairy Goats- Senior Does
8:30AM @ Goat Center
Junior and Open American Breeding Cattle – Bulls will show after heifers in their respective breeds.
9:00AM @ Barton Coliseum
Junior and Open Dairy Heifer Show (Breeding & Commercial)
5:00PM @ Barton Coliseum
Creative Arts
Youth Baking Competition
10:00AM - 10:30AM
Youth Baking Competition Judging
Youth Pumpkin Painting
4:00PM - 4:30PM
Youth Pumpkin Painting Judging